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Managing a Classroom with Chromebooks: Using Tools like Dyknow, Securly, and LanSchool

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In today’s digital age, technology has seamlessly integrated into our education system, paving the way for innovative teaching and learning methods. Chromebooks have rapidly become a favorite in classrooms due to their user-friendliness, affordability, and Google Classroom integration. To maximize the potential of Chromebooks in education and ensure productive classroom management, tools like Dyknow, Securly, and LanSchool have been developed. This article will delve into best practices for managing a classroom with Chromebooks using these tools.

Understanding the Importance

1. Fostering Digital Citizenship: Teaching students about digital responsibility, privacy, and ethical use is crucial. With these management tools, educators can guide students to use the internet responsibly and avoid harmful content.

2. Enhancing Classroom Productivity: These platforms help monitor and control device usage, ensuring students stay on task and avoid distractions.

3. Supporting Differentiated Instruction: Teachers can push specific apps or websites to particular students or groups, tailoring the learning experience to individual needs.

Best Practices for Classroom Management with Chromebooks

1. Establish Clear Guidelines

  • Set Clear Expectations: Ensure students are aware of the dos and don’ts while using Chromebooks. This could include guidelines about visiting specific websites, downloading content, or using certain applications.
  • Consistent Consequences: If students breach set rules, consequences should be consistent. It could range from warnings, Chromebook usage restrictions, or notifying parents.

2. Monitor with Purpose using Dyknow, Securly, or LanSchool

  • Real-time Monitoring: These tools allow teachers to see students’ screens in real-time, ensuring they are on the right track. Periodically glance at your monitoring dashboard to check student activity.
  • Blocking & Filtering: Prevent access to distracting or inappropriate sites by using the blocking or filtering features.
  • Push Resources: Direct students to specific resources by pushing URLs or content directly to their Chromebooks.

3. Engage and Collaborate

  • Interactive Polls & Quizzes: Utilize tools like Dyknow to engage students with polls, quizzes, or questions. It ensures active participation and gauges understanding.
  • Group Work: Tools like LanSchool allow for group-based assignments where students can collaborate on the same platform.

4. Keep Privacy in Mind

  • Limit Screen Viewing: Only monitor students’ screens when necessary, ensuring their privacy is respected.
  • Transparent Monitoring: Make sure students are aware when their screens are being viewed. Many tools have indications that inform the student when their screen is being monitored.

5. Provide Feedback and Support

  • Instant Messaging: LanSchool and similar tools offer chat options. Teachers can provide real-time feedback or support if a student is facing difficulties.
  • App & Website Recommendations: Suggest useful apps or websites that align with lesson objectives, boosting the learning experience.

6. Regularly Review and Update Policies

Technology and its landscape are ever-evolving. It’s essential to review classroom management policies periodically, updating them according to new tools, features, or challenges that emerge.


Managing a classroom with Chromebooks can seem daunting at first, but with the right tools and strategies, it becomes a seamless process that can significantly enhance the learning experience. Tools like Dyknow, Securly, and LanSchool offer a plethora of features to make classroom management efficient and effective. The key is to balance technology use with educational objectives, ensuring students remain engaged, safe, and productive in this digital age.

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